I want to congratulate you... CONGRATULATIONS!
I want to commend you on a job well done... BRAVO! WELL DONE!
You see... you've come such a long way to having the opportunity to read these words.
How about we count a few blessings...
- Your Mom and Pops started talking...and somehow... out of the 40 million to 1.2 billion sperm cells...YOU my friend were the CHOSEN ONE! CONGRATULATIONS! You did it!
- NEXT... YOU LIVE IN AMERICA: We Do What We Want & the worst problem we face is losing our cell phones or having no memory space for our next selfie or IG Post.
- Some how some way you have leisure time versus hunting and gathering for survival.
- You're surfing the web right now...pretty cool considering ya boi Eisenhower didn't put in orders for ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) until the late 1950's. That's pretty recent in our history I'd say.
- Also, if you wanted food, I bet you could walk on over to the fridge or with a few clicks of a button or a tap of an app some kid looking to make ends meat will bring it right to you...like literally right to your face! lol Please Tip Him! #TheStruggle
I mention all these things because its so easy to get so lost in it all. Its so easy to be blind by all the bs; so easy to enlarge our own issues. For some reason we can't keep track of the blessings God sends our way...We or I...excuse me..., have found myself expecting only the good to take place. Its like air...we take it for granted. After each exhale we expect to inhale and inhale abundantly at that. To be real...it sometimes makes me sick to my stomach how our culture has become so entitled! Really!??? Put in some work! Stop crying...stop complaining...stop feeling sorry for yourself. To be quite frank...AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT!
I challenge you to see the good in all challenges for the rest of this week. I challenge you to do something nice for someone who wouldn't expect it nor can ever repay you. Be a happy giver this week. Love someone even harder tomorrow. Write someone a hand written letter. Call your folks and tell them thank you for all their sacrifices to allow you to get to this point. Find your favorite teacher and tell them all the life lessons they provided you...they are waiting on your call! Heck, even get in the kitchen and learn that infamous family recipe! #ApronLifestyle
For me...I've been thinking a lot about my lasts breaths on this planet... You see...I've got High Blood Pressure, also known as the silent killer...its the only subject I remember in my High School Health Science Elective. lol Regardless, at the tender age of 16 I've had it. Now at 27 I still have it and sometimes I don't know if its my heart or my chest that aches.
The main questions I have are pretty simple:
- Why are we here? What happens after I die? What was life like before I was even here? What was I doing before the 1st blessing mentioned above? Why do we have outer space? Whats really inside of a black hole? Will my name be written in God's Holy Book?
I say these are pretty typical questions...however my faith holds me firm. My focus is to love and encourage people and to make every breath count! My aim is to live on PURPOSE.
I suggest you do the same my friend...no more of these jobs you hate...or deferring of the dreams...for what? You only live once...as far as we know.
Take Care,