Saturday, September 28, 2013

Perfect Harmony

Perfect Harmony
Thank You. Thank you for your time. Thank you for lending your mind. For a second lets sit back and forget. Forget that we don't know each other. Forget that you're closed off to strangers and a blinking cursor. Lets be open. Lets be friendly. Act as if  I'm the one you think about first thing in the morning and last thing at night. Relax and understand that I'm here for you; mentally and emotionally. I'm your confidant. I'm your best friend.
Take a walk with me; hand and hand, enjoy the aqua blue sands; enjoy the peaceful fields down memory lane; a land where the skies sparkle like gold diamonds inside the Galleria and where anything goes. Do this...relax. Take a deep breath. (Gasp.) Now let it out... (Whoooooshhhhhhh)
Look to the skies with me; look to where the sun shines its brightest rays on you; where joy and peace intersect along a highway of success in which you be the driver and I, your gps. All is good and all is well because we're in perfect harmony.

Lets be real. Lets be honest.

Every human wants love and respect. Everyone wants to be told that "You Are AWESOME," vs. "You're Awful!" From a Mob Boss, to a Ball player, to simple ole me...its all the same. We want to feel valuable.

I've got news for you... YOU ARE VALUABLE!


My life wasn't the most troubled. I didn't grow up in the slums or the ghetto. I had two parents at home; both whom pushed me to be great and made me work for everything I ever had. They showered me with love... disciplined me when necessary and were my biggest fans. From school plays, to Honor Roll, to a National Championship all the way to earning a masters...but who cares...really?
Its not about where you start in this world, its about where you finish! Each one of us get 24 hours a day.  The question is...How do you spend yours?
Each one of us get a chance to live. The question is...Do you live life to the fullest?
In a quest to find this nimble balance of passion, love, joy, career and success, I've put myself to the test. Nothing was given unto me accept unconditional love; both from Jesus Christ and my loving Mother. So through it all, I've pushed, fought, struggled, studied, failed, cried and endured and even asked God why? But, I've come to understand, its all a part of  this journey I call Perfect Harmony.
Today... I walk to the beat of my heart and the rhythm of Gods words...all the while looking back with a :) on my face as I think to myself, "Look how far I've come!"
I caution you that your path toward Perfect Harmony isn't going to be ALL rainbows and roses.
Its not all going to be handed to you on a silver platter where the waiter says... "You're path to success Sirrrrrrr." lol. Whomp. Whomp.
There will be Snakes in the grass... which is why I keep my grass cut low.
So low you can't even mow it! lol (Back to the script...)
Not everyone will be your friend.
Not everyone cares that you exist.
Some folk don't like you because you breath.
Some folk don't like you because you laugh funny.
Some folk don't like you because your swag is better than theirs.
Some folk don't like you because you've done more in your life than they have in theirs.
And lets be real...some folk don't like you because they simply don't care.
Grand Father was a wise man; whenever I came to visit the ATL from Germany, he'd ask me how the grades wasn't much to me at the time but, even after all the hard work he did on the farm with the tractors and the pigs, he still maintained a fresh bank roll of cash in his shirt pocket!  (Still blows my mind.)  o_O
For every "A" I mentioned, he'd give me $10, for every "B" he'd squeeze out $1. So, needless to say... I was pushing for greatness. I never got straight A's by the way. (Came close in 7th grade. lol... Stupid Home Ec., it really wasn't my turn to wash the dishes that day!)
This was a small gesture that became a cornerstone in my life.
If you think long enough you'll be able to identify with your own cornerstones.
You'll be able to rely on an old saying or an old friend or mentor.
Someone out there loves you, supports you, and calls you friend.
Someone out there believes in you and wants to inform you that you indeed are...


In closing... I challenge you the following:
Dream a dream; wake up and LIVE IT!
Imagine; imagine the best you EVER! & MAKE IT HAPPEN!
Never allow self doubt; when it creeps into your mind...remind yourself God's Got Me!
Speak; No one knows what you want if you don't open your mouth. Make the ask. Be specific.
Seize The Day!

Know One Wants This More Than You Do!
So, Go Get It!
Written by: Orlando Gunn
IG: Orlandeaux
Twitter: orlandogunn

Friday, September 13, 2013

Looking back...I must have been crazy!

Looking back... I must have been crazy.
Who was I to dream?
Who was I to think the pastor was speaking directly to me?
Who was I to jump in a car at the thick of night and make my way down to South Beach for the next 4 hours; on little to no sleep, merely on faith alone, no connections, no friends, no appointments or meetings. Are you crazy? You must be! Wait...I must be!

Who was I to think that I could earn a masters degree? Does anyone in your family have a masters? Did someone tell you that you were capable of learning to a higher degree? Or learning period. Did someone inform you that you could live life to a higher standard or demand higher education from you? Did someone impart wisdom in your life; suggesting that by some miracle you were just as smart as the other kids? If so...boy please! Give me a break. Wait...Wait...Wait... this must be the sick joke we're looking for! I mean...I'm looking for.

Who was I to think that I could be the only Walk-On Athlete to perform in front of 32 NFL Scouts for the 2010 LSU Pro Day? Pahahahahaahhhaahahaahh
This is the one I just can't get over! I get it...its all a dream. You didn't actually do this right. That is about as real as me suggesting that Obama and I have the same pair of socks in my top drawer! LMAO :)

Ohhh, this next one is pretty good too!

Who was I to think that I could leave a small town like Killeen, Texas... KILLEEN, TEXAS! Where kids grow up thinking they'll never go to a big school! (whatever big means.) Where the town is considered a black hole. (meaning if you don't leave after high school, you'll never leave!) Where the youthful rap circles at lunch and in the middle of the hallways tend to be the feeding grounds where youth aspire to become rappers and artist... (Oh! Our childlike desires.)
Note: some actually do!
Oh, and where kids grow up actually wishing upon a star that their athletic gifts will propel them to become some big shot NFL star! (mind you... 5-10 out of every 10,000 kids do get a shot every 4 years or so.) The latest kids to get a Billboard in our area are RGIII & Colt McCoy.

But forget that...who was I to think that I had the mental capacity to pass my SAT and ACT and go on to attend a school that was 7 hours away from the only home I've really come to know? You're telling me that some little, black, military kid whose a bit country at heart thought he could hang with a bunch of young scholars who were raised, trained and sometimes forced to achieve greatness at such a large Division I institution? Bahahahaah! Please stop, this is way too much! Are you sure? A nationally accredited University? Get out of here!

Who was I to think that I could of all things...walk-on to a National Power House of a football team in the 2007 National Championship LSU Tigers?
Are you sick? You must be ill! Once again...this must be some kind of sick joke! I'm done with this. I'm done questioning myself...

The truth is... until we see ourselves among the good, among the elite, among the greats, we'll never achieve such a thing. I'm a visionary. The Bigger the Dream...the better! So dream! Dream the wildest of dreams. Chase the craziest of them all and when you make it...take a moment to realize just how far you've come.

Thank the people who helped you get there. Remember the words that encouraged you along the way. Remember the doubters that fueled you as cried yourself to sleep.
Rejoice at the doors that slammed shut in your face and over the relationships that ended! You are far better because of it all. You are far far far better because of it all.

Thank your lord and savior! Thank  your support systems.

Momma I love you.
Dad I know I've made you proud!
Sis, I'm glad to be your brother!

To everyone else...we laughed, we cried, we talked it out and hugged it out...but without all of you, I wouldn't be me! So from my heart to yours...THANK GOODNESS FOR YOU. THANK GOODNESS FOR YOU ALL!


Thursday, September 12, 2013

Fin-NATION Appreciation: Meet Roger Avila aka Dolfan Maniac

MIAMI, fl: Miami Dolphins Football is back!
Call up some buds, fire up the grill and grab your jersey because, the time of year we all have been waiting for... is here! Welcome 2013 NFL Football Season. Fins Up! "Its our time!"
This year…it’s simple: “It’s Our Time.” The Miami Dolphins have furnished a mindset of “Back to Football” along with the true reason behind sport: “Quality time spent with others.”
Meet Roger Avila
For many Miamians, Dolphin loyalty is apparent however, for one fan in particular the Fin Loyalty runs deeper than our South Florida waters. Meet Dolfan Maniac: Roger Avila.  As a teen, Roger witnessed the Dolphin greats take care of business in both ’72 & ’73; moments so joyous that he never forgot the sweet taste of victory. Roger was blessed to witness the magical Marino era and the hard hitting combination of Thomas and Taylor yet, it still lacked Victory’s sweet splendor. Today, his love and loyalty still remains and if anything has only grown. Roger has kids of his own who now, have wives of their own.  The stadium bares a new name, (Sun Life) and there is a new logo at the helm however, Roger admits that one thing remains the same…faith and football; his cornerstones in life. 
The Icon: Dolfan Maniac introduced 19 years ago first began during a tailgating pregame contest in which the #1 Dolphins Fans competed to show who had the most team spirit. Known as Roger at the time, this was the moment that his "Dolfan" identity would forever change. With a body shaped like the Incredible Hulk, the personality of Hulk Hogan and a kiddy Dolphin helmet strapped to the top of his head accompanied by a set of pom-poms, Roger became a fan favorite and won the hearts of Dolphins fans everywhere that day. From then on the persona only grew; adding face paint, a jersey, and football pants that allowed the fans to connect and recognize him, not as Roger but as an extreme Dolphin Fan.

Roger takes us back to the moment it all changed… “A lot of people want to know how I got my name well… It happened during the Marino days. We weren’t faring well against the Patriots, the fans were booing, no one was watching the game and I couldn’t take it anymore. I turned to the crowed, jumped from my seat and started encouraging the crowd to never give up on our boys! As I began chanting… “Lets Go Dolphins!” I heard out in the distance… Get it on Maniac! Get it on Maniac! Get it on!”  The name stuck ever since.
Twenty-five years of tailgating later… Dolfan Maniac the Icon lives on. 25 years of believing, 25 years of fan-hood, loyalty, pictures, partying, hugs and sweet family memories.
“We haven't always been victorious. Its been 25 tough, long and hard years of bleeding aqua and orange,” admitted Roger. Its Hard…its so hard but, its something that we love. Our families love that 6 months out the year we are dedicated to the Miami Dolphins. We deal with the ridicule. We deal with the losses but, at the end of the day, our love is tougher. Heck, imagine how the players feel!"
Though Sunday's is a family affair, its usually Roger and his two sons Roger Jr. and Rory that represent the family tradition. "Its turned into a Bro's thing!" said Rory. "Our wives are very supportive. They enjoy it whenever they decide to come out and more importantly they see how much joy it brings us; how happy we make other fans. The most fun part of it all, is that our wives get to brag about us making it on TV to their friends, added Rory."  Though every Sunday doesn't end in victory, the Avila family enjoys every moment. "The key for us is that the fun outweighs the losses," said Roger. 
Faith and Football
Roger has played football ever since the age of 10 years old and says suiting up for Miramar High School were some of his toughest moments. He admits that football tested and prepared him mentally for anything that life could throw his way.
"Football is a chess game," said Roger. When you're tired, your lungs are burning and you can't breathe, you still have to take a step ahead and be more physical than the guy across from you. If you can master thinking ahead under fatigue and under pressure and continue to accomplish your goals, it puts you on a great path toward success."
Roger went on to add that though he had football in his life, something was still missing. He admits that football isn't everything, nor is it the only thing. "My missing piece in my life was the Lord. I fell into drugs, and alcohol," he admitted. "Even though I worked and played, I still found myself using drugs."

When Roger isn't planted outside Sun Life Stadium rooting for his favorite team, you can find him every 2nd and 5th Saturday leading chapel at Metro West Detention Center by 930am. Roger also holds Bible studies inside inmate cells.
"Last Saturday alone… I witnessed 45 people give their lives to Jesus Christ. My ministry is real. No sugar coating. I confess my sins and my weakness to these young men. You have to open up and be real with these men. I give them my number and address and when they come out, its not a complete turnaround all the time, but it’s a step in the right direction. Sometimes the tragic part is that they find Jesus in jail and leave him there all at the same time. Its tough, but I never give up hope."

Roger gave his life the Jesus Christ at age 40. He says that his faith and football gave him hope. Hope is the message that he wishes to communicate to Dolphins fans everywhere.  The Dolphins is truly considered a family to Roger and he is committed to the team like no other. So much that, he has been battling with thoughts of putting the "Dolfan Maniac" to rest but its hope that keeps him going.
"I want to see this team win the Super Bowl! I witnessed the undefeated season at 12 years old and I want my boys to see this! It’s a fans number one dream!" said Roger. "When it happens we’ll be there to enjoy it."
Rogers orders to the current Dolphins players are simple: Pray Hard. Work Hard. Play Hard.
His favorite players are Cameron Wake, Mark Clayton and Super Duper. 
"I love the Miami Dolphins like I love my family!  I’m a Dolfan ‘til the coffin slam!”
–Dolfan Maniac
Written by: Orlando Gunn