Saturday, July 6, 2013

The Humble Hustle: NFL here I come!!!

Dropped cold. Pushed out. Phased and fired from my own plans.
Not a second chance in sight, or the prayer of a "Do-Over."
Forget it...its all over. No plans, no help, no future. All over a pair of fake J's.

This was the scene after my Best Professional Friend fired me from our business that hadn't even launched yet. All the ideas, the plans and connections were set up perfectly. Who I didn't know... he knew and who he couldn't reach, I had in my right hand. We were the perfect recipe to take over the world him and I. But, as fate would have it... Orlando wasn't the place for me. My life in "My City" was over.

To be honest, it never felt right to spirit wanted to be free; wanted to breath and wanted to see the culture that is Miami! The Magic City they tell me! The place where billboards read "Any given night, you can make it BIG!" Where people travel to make dreams come true and where the rest of the world learns what lies within you! It'll make or break you!

After being let go...or fired I should say... All I could think was:

I'm 25.
I'm broke.
I have no job in sight.
But, I have 2 Master's Degrees!
At this time in my life, I had opportunities come and go. MLB, Dallas Cowboys, University of Oregon, NBA, Foundation work, Tulane University and finally Steve Harvey. For one reason or another, each door opened and closed...some harder than others. None were meant for me and none meant to be.

My mind scrambled to find answers...answers I've been searching all my life. They said I had time. They said it all would come to me. They asked me to be open... They asked me to volunteer... and more importantly, to be patient. I did all that.

They told me to study...They told me to make A's and B's. I did that!
They asked me to out-work my classmates, teammates and peers...They asked me to be punctual and honest... I did that.

They asked me to attend tutoring for help...To see my teachers after, before and during class... I did that. They said attend seminars, networking events and to shake hands and greet people of influence. I did that too. I did everything I'd been asked to do.

I did my 12 years, then my 4 and another 2... 18 years is what I've added up, how about you?
18 years of sitting in your desks and taking your tests. Listening to your lectures and taking your notes all the while others sat around passing notes and jokes.

Did you once teach me about family? Success? Love? Passion? or Ambition?
Did you once teach me how to balance my checkbook, financial planning or law?
What about the truth of the rat race or the corporate games around the work place? You didn't. I mean...they didn't.

You (meaning The System) silently allowed me to live in a fairytale. It sat there quietly sucking the financials from my family's bank accounts. It quietly passed my athletic classmates who couldn't read or write, only crippling them day and night. It forced out my loud friends versus loving them with discipline. And the grandest tragedy of them all is showing the favoritism to the prettiest, cutest and most divine girls in the halls... teaching my lady friends that it pays to be the sexiest of them all.

Its funny...You managed to do all of this while taking my God away from me and away from the children to come after me.

My little nephew won't understand why God is no longer in the Pledge of Allegiance. He won't understand why all the signs now say "Happy Holidays" vs. "Merry Christmas."
Or, will he? Thanks to his Family he will, but not according to "The System."

To sum up my struggle...

"I took my heart away from money & I wasn't interested in fame. I pray that never changes.
My ambition is priceless; something that's in my veins."
"My pursuit may have left me broke but I'm rich off fulfillment and that for me is the only wealth that counts..."
If its your eyes that have discovered these feelings, I pray that God blesses you. If not through these words...then perhaps through a provoking thought. I'm not perfect, and in no way proclaim to be. These are my truths and my worries. Discover yours and share when you feel the time is right.


I swear I love you... love your tropical breeze, welcoming palm trees and diverse culture. I swear you're the only city where I feel as though I've traveled the world around and visited Cuba twice in one day. The first stop was for a Café con leche and the second was for a Colada (A colada is a larger cup of cafecito that comes with little thimble-sized cups for sharing with friends.) :)
Though you haven't been the easiest city to get used to... you've sure given me the "Star-Treatment" at times.
Being here has made me realize I'm thankful for...
  • The Miami Dolphins
    • Group Sales
  • The Miami Heat
    • Game 6 & Game 7 of the NBA Finals
    • DJ Irie and the Irie Foundation
  • Coconut Grove
    • My Roommate of 3 months- Gabe
    • His Couch!
  • The city of Aventura #Gorgeous
  • South Beach and ALL it has to offer!
  • Learning Spanish Daily! (always a + :)
  • Celebs
  • All the stories
  • The culture
NOT so thankful for the...
  • Getting Scammed $1500 for housing
  • Getting my car windows smashed after Game 7 of the NBA Finals
  • Gas Prices
  • Cost of living
  • Crazy Drivers
  • Fake People
  • Traffic
  • Early morning accidents
  • Botox & Implants

HUMBLE HUSTLE: Continued...

Pastor Jerry Q. Parries of Christian Family Worship Center had asked me to come to church on Thursday night. I figured since I had been fired by my best friend from the only possible shot of income that I had and really had no back up bad could a Thursday service be? I had nothing to loose right? Looking back...I actually had everything to gain!
So, I went. It was a "Word," that was just for me...allowing me to realize that my character had been tested. This was my season and throughout the waiting period and the accomplishment of my masters, I'd been preparing for the journey that was about to take place. Little did I know... after a few tears, a few prayers and a dream...I'd be catapulting my life in a new direction; toward South Beach!

Riding On Faith

5:45 A.M.
The alarm sounds, and I spring out of bed having finished having a dream that I drove down to Miami and landed a job! It wasn't clear at all, I just knew I was supposed to be in Miami on a Friday. Lucky for me, the dream happened in between Thursday night after church and that Friday morning.
I rinse my face, brush my teeth and grab my favorite suit from the closet. I like to call it "Beach Beige." I also grabbed a bright orange paisley floral necktie... you know, to stand out a bit.
Jumped in the car at about 6:00 A.M. and pulled out of my pitch black neighborhood.
Just me and the open road. 220 miles worth of thoughts, questions and attempts by the little voice in my head screaming... "You're Crazy! Turnnnnnnnnn Baaaaaaaaack!"
However, my heart had already made an agreement with my pride and spirit that this was going to take place regardless of what my mind had to think or say about the entire situation.
I'll spare you the singing and near death experiences provoked by dozing off... and fast forward to the sign that read "Entering Broward County." By this point, I'd called everyone I could possibly reach within the Dolphins organization. I'd left messages, voicemail and even dropped a few notes via Linkedin.
Etttummm.... Nothing worked!
I'd driven 4 hours and received ABSOLUTELY NO CALL BACKS!
How is this for a start? On top of that, my phone dies from using all the apps on the way down. I find a local university; NOVA South Eastern University. Gorgeous campus by the way... with an amazing library. It smelled of excellence and prestige. I felt like I could really regroup and get my game plan together there. So, I did!
I juiced up the cell and hopped on Facebook of all things. I mean... who isn't on FB now-a-days... right? I figured someone would be online that was in or around the city of Miami.
To my surprise, an individual by the name of Ryan Totka (Sports Marketing Expert) was on FB chat. So, I hit'em up!
OG: Hey Bro!
Ryan: Hey buddy.
OG: I'm in Miami, do you know anyone here? (Saying I'd be surprised if he didn't!)
Ryan: Cool... yeah, my buddy!
OG: Who is your buddy and what does he do?
Ryan: Dave, he works in Sales.
NOTE: Its at this moment that I almost fell out of my seat!!! I couldn't believe anything I was reading.  Was this really happening? Are you telling me I drove down here on a whim, entered some random library and hopped on FB and now I'm potentially going to set up a meeting with someone from the Miami Dolphins? #Sick #Blessed
Pinch Me Now!
OG: No Way!!! I applied for a job in group sales last night!
Before I could even ask Ryan to have Dave give me a call... my phone rings!!!
Ring...Ring... "Hello." Hi, is this Orlando? My good buddy Ryan Totka told me you were in town!"
The rest of this is pure madness...a mix of swift walking and a pinch of speeding to get to my interview! All I could think to my self was... "Boy ohhhhh boy... God made a way!" & Here goes nothing!
By time I'd raced out of the NOVA library, ran across campus in a bright beige suit, and frantically located my car in the infamous parking garage only 6 minutes had passed, but all the sweat I could muster...had made close friends with the fabric in my suit! Dave mentioned that he'd hate to rush an interview and that he'd be leaving in 30 minutes or so. (I'm on the clock!) 
To me...everything was on the line. This is the moment I'd been waiting for. Go Big or Go Home!  I drove across town in a reassembling fashion of World Champion Racing Driver Mario Andretti, making every light, going a friendly 5 miles over the speed limit. I may have cut-off a few drivers  along the way, but don't worry I sent them a thank you card in the mail! (Not really.)
Amazingly enough, I pulled into the welcome gates of Sun Life Stadium only to realize in the midst of my short lived racing career, I'd totally forgot Dave's name!!! (OMG) o_0 #EpicFail
I thought to myself... "Seriously...this can't be happening. I know it was something like Big Mack?!"
The Security Guard greets me and asks who I came to visit...As I'm sweating profusely, and in a state of awe and disbelief all at the same time...I piece together a few words that suggested I was trying to meet with someone in the sales department!
I guess somewhere in my gibberish I hit a few key words and the pearly white gates where lifted! And the rest is history!
I work in the NFL!


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